Big Brother Is Actually Not Watching You At All
girls were trapped in a big house in Turkey, their every move filmed
for the titalation of their captors. Not recently. This was about a month ago. I’m
only mentioning it now because a month ago
my brain wasn’t working. Back then,
I just thought, “That… irony… blog.” That’s as far as I got. But I’m feeling better now,
thanks for asking.
So the interesting part is that the girls thought they were on Big Brother. According to reports:
…the women were not abused or harassed sexually, but were told to fight each other, to wear bikinis, and to dance by the villa’s pool.
Upon discovering this was not for a national TV audience but just a couple of horny old men who owned the house (I’m guessing), the girls reacted badly. Apparently they demanded to be released. But they’d signed contracts, promising to stay for at least two months, and the contracts had some pretty serious penalty clauses: tens of thousands of dollars if the girls left early. I guess you call that a pay or play deal.
The girls took the position they’d been duped, so they were essentially being kidnapped. When the police found out, they agreed.
Me, I’m not so sure. It seems the girls’ main objection is that while they were wearing bikinis, dancing by the pool, and talking about their most embarrassing sexual experiences (I’m guessing), not enough people were watching. These degrading, exploitative acts they were pressured to perform, they weren’t broadcast on prime-time. The problem was there was no fame. The mother of one of the girls said:
We were not after the money but we thought our daughter could have the chance of becoming famous if she took part in the contest. But they have duped us all.
Being watched by two sleazy guys wasn’t enough. If it were millions of sleazy guys, that would be okay. But two? That’s sick.
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Location: SF, CA
Quote: "Good sex is like good Bridge: if you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand." -- Mae West"
Posted: 5605 days ago
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Posted: 5605 days ago
Simon (#3192)
Location: Melbourne
Quote: "I'd rather be arrogant than wrong"
Posted: 5605 days ago
Karan (#1376)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Quote: "Quid Quid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Viditur - Anything said in Latin sounds important"
Posted: 5605 days ago
Abgrund (#3357)
Location: Atlantis
Quote: ""Redeem your mind from the hockshops of authority." - Ayn Rand"
Posted: 5605 days ago
Location: USA
Quote: "What unseen pen etched eternal things in the hearts of humankind... but never let them in our minds?"
Posted: 5605 days ago
Besides, has anyone heard of anyone on a Big Brother reality TV show that's actually gotten a decent job as a result of it? Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but I don't see how this increases someone's job qualifications.
Denzil Ward (#4497)
Location: Indiana
Quote: "Above all else try to have fun because no one leaves this life alive."
Posted: 5605 days ago
Linnea1928 (#2654)
Location: Rosemount, MN
Posted: 5605 days ago
I would never be on a reality show (I've never actually watched Big Brother) but I'd be totally freaked out too-- I guess I assume a tv show would have rules about where the cameras are and who sees the footage uncensored, whereas these guys had nothing holding them back-- they obvs had no qualms about deceiving these girls to get their rocks off. I mean if they lied about who they were, what else did they lie about? Goodness knows what kind of footage those d-bags recorded.
Joe (#2270)
Location: Campbell, CA, USA
Quote: "I'm subverting the system from the inside. I think."
Posted: 5605 days ago
Imagine a world where you only think you're a successful author. In reality, some old acquaintance of yours who has become rich enjoys messing with you, has arranged a publishing deal, but no one's buying the books; the weird old rich guy is buying them all. Would it be just the same? You get to write, and get paid for it. But there's no audience.
Location: Enfield, Connecticut USA
Quote: "outside of dog a book is man's best friend...inside of a dog it's too dark to read--Groucho Marx"
Posted: 5605 days ago
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Quote: "I'm my number one fan!"
Posted: 5605 days ago
> I assume a tv show would have rules about where the
> cameras are and who sees the footage uncensored
Boy, I dunno about that. Last time I saw Big Brother, they were streaming live, uncensored footage over the internet from cameras in the bedrooms and showers. The only place I can think of that they didn't film was the toilet. But this was a while ago, so later shows may have braved that frontier.
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Quote: "I'm my number one fan!"
Posted: 5605 days ago
Linnea1928 (#2654)
Location: Rosemount, MN
Posted: 5603 days ago
Fair enough, like I said I don't watch reality shows and I've never seen Big Brother, so I wouldn't know.
Posted: 5600 days ago
Sheng Yi (#710)
Location: Melbourne
Quote: "Oops, I think we amputated the wrong leg. "
Posted: 5600 days ago
I present to you one simple sentence which will enlighten all: "Celebrity is the Opposite of Woman."
Read on:
Posted: 5600 days ago
Hmmm. Vapid exhibitionists, lurid voyeurs, a world where marketing, entertainment, news, and education collide. And an elaborate high-speed always-on electronic communications network to mainline it straight into our brains.
Max, there's a story idea in there somewhere, and I know just the guy to write it.
P.S. Have you ever read Clarke's "I Remember Babylon"?
Michael Ricksand (#2212)
Location: Terra
Quote: "You do not have a right to be stupid."
Posted: 5590 days ago
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