Nuts and Bolts
I’m a little nervous about this, but here is the nerdiest thing I have ever done. You realize that bar is already pretty high. I have programmed web games. I have considered domain name availability before naming my offspring. But this is the first time I have publicly released a version control system history of a book.
I just lost you. I realize that. Unless you are some kind of freako super-geek, in which case, welcome to the tiny minority of the human race that may appreciate this. The rest of you: a revision control system is usually used for writing software, and tracking the changes you make. I used one of these for the Machine Man serial, since I was uploading a page per day, and it needed to be processed for sending out to people’s email inboxes and cell phones, and I lost you again, didn’t I? Okay.
The point is I have the entire edit history of Machine Man all the way back from notes. And you can browse to any particular page and see how it evolved from something to nothing.
Here is an example, using Version 1 of Page 18:
It’s just a note to myself about what this page might be about. By clicking the “→V2”, you move ahead to Version 2 of that page:
New words are green, deleted words are red. This page is hard to read because the software is making bad guesses about how the different versions fit together. In actuality, I simply deleted my note and wrote a first version.
Then I corrected a spelling mistake:
And continued tweaking in versions 4 through 9.
The final version is here. And if you have the book, you can follow along at home to the version that wound up in the novel:
I’m not sure what use this is to anybody, other than for exposing my writerly fumblings in an even more humiliating manner than I’ve already done. But it was POSSIBLE, so I have DONE IT.
To access the Source version of a page in the Machine Man serial, click the tiny, near-invisible nut on the top-right of any serial page. Or append “&v=1” to the URL, if you’re that nerdy. Which, if you’ve read this far, you surely are.
This is where site members post comments. If you're not a member, you can join here. There are all kinds of benefits, including moral superiority!
Eric Hoffman (#4259)
Location: Arizona
Quote: ""America was founded by men who understood that the threat of domestic tyranny is as great as any threat from abroad. If we want to be worthy of their legacy, we must resist the rush toward ever-increasing state control of our society." Ron Paul"
Posted: 4853 days ago
And right up my alley.
Cameron Government (#166)
Location: melb-au
Quote: "There once was a man from Nantucket"
Posted: 4853 days ago
Just needs a language variable for translations :-)
Greg (#3266)
Location: Melbourne
Quote: ""when deprived of freedom the only choice is to say no", is that deep enough?"
Posted: 4853 days ago
For non super geek isn't it just taking Word's track changes to the next level?
Kandace Mavrick (#5672)
Location: Perth, Australia
Quote: "Of course Im crazy, but that doesnt mean Im wrong. Im MAD but not ILL. Robert Anton Wilson"
Posted: 4853 days ago
James (#5673)
Location: Los Angeles
Posted: 4853 days ago
Big thumbs up for letting us into your brain!
Barrie (#5111)
Location: Blackheath Australia
Quote: "So be it, mergatron!"
Posted: 4853 days ago
I wonder if this goes on in my brain, it would look a hell of a lot different of course!
I got fed up with Word's track changes, it seemed to turn itself on all by itself and get in the way (clutter).
I'm writing exclusively with Pages now, nicer layout with a comments column where I can leave my noodlings and it handles styles better.
Tak (#995)
Location: San Jose, CA
Quote: "benevolent hacker"
Posted: 4853 days ago
Alan W (#1427)
Location: Spokane, Washington
Quote: "Corgis are like potato chips"
Posted: 4853 days ago
rachel (#4028)
Posted: 4853 days ago
dabbeljuh (#4114)
Posted: 4853 days ago
but OT aside, nice, makes total sense. While finishing my PhD thesis I tried to use a SVN for my thesis but I miserably failed. Now, as finished PhD, I try to convince professors that (online) versioning tools are better then local v1_v2_v3 docs anyway :)
TLDR: if you know stuff, you should use it ~
Electrichead (#3898)
Location: Toronto
Posted: 4853 days ago
On a side note, do you have to add in commit messages? It would be fun to see those. Mine tend to be profanity-riddled and brief, but could be a good read.
Jay (#1892)
Location: New York
Posted: 4853 days ago
with behind the scenes commentary. This
is the first time I've noticed an author share
early versions of his/her work. Very innovative
Max, much appreciated.
apt142 (#2526)
Location: North Carolina, USA
Quote: "And the geek shall inherit the Earth."
Posted: 4853 days ago
I think this could be a fantastic teaching tool to new and aspiring authors. While I'm sure everybody's approach to writing is a bit different, getting this level of detail into the process is unprecedented!
stanley becker (#5283)
Location: black hole
Posted: 4853 days ago
Michael Lederman (#4778)
Location: United States
Quote: "I read therefore I am"
Posted: 4853 days ago
Joanna (#5296)
Location: Seattle, WA
Quote: ""The wise man despises no one. Instead, he watches him closely and tries to discover the roots of what he sees." (Gogol, Dead Souls)"
Posted: 4853 days ago
Dan Traeger (#2232)
Location: Kalispell, MT
Posted: 4853 days ago
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Quote: "I'm my number one fan!"
Posted: 4852 days ago
> On a side note, do you have to add in commit messages? It would be fun to see those.
No, I didn't use any commit messages, since I had no co-workers, and I didn't expect to have to back anything out (or hunt down bugs). I wrote a macro so all I needed to do was click a button in my OpenOffice doc and it would save in XML format, then a script would parse it, split it into appropriate files, and commit it to the SVN repository. If it had been a pain to commit changes, I wouldn't have done it. So I made it almost as painless as clicking "Save."
Lucy (#664)
Location: Blue Mountains
Posted: 4852 days ago
Seconded on the curiosity about commit comments.
Also, tags?
Adam (#24)
Location: Morristown, Indiana
Quote: "Why do I blog? Simple, because Max Barry blogs."
Posted: 4852 days ago
Alright. I was going to steal the name "Max_Barry" for my new nation on nationstates. I was strung along by a web of lies that kept saying it would be available. When the time limit was up. It was "retired". Stupid. Really stupid.
That is all.
ryandake (#2199)
Location: scenic monterey, ca
Quote: ""The rest is not our business.""
Posted: 4851 days ago
Arancaytar (#2358)
Location: Frankfurt
Quote: "We are a way for the cosmos to know itself. -Sagan"
Posted: 4849 days ago
It's really rare to get a glimpse into the editing process of a book. And somehow, that doesn't diminish its value at all, but adds to the depth. Very awesome.
Ben (#3924)
Location: Alberta, Canada
Quote: "I don't wanna ride the elevator."
Posted: 4848 days ago
Chelsea (#5402)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posted: 4846 days ago
(Your first draft is WAY better than mine, but still. :P)
Kelli (#5773)
Posted: 4791 days ago
kotekzot (#5795)
Posted: 4774 days ago
Comments are now closed for this post.