Buying Crap
You can buy paper made from elephant feces. It’s called Poo Poo Paper. I know this because I saw it mentioned in DailyCandy, which is “the ultimate insider’s guide to what’s hot, new, and undiscovered.” At first I thought DailyCandy might be scraping the bottom of the hot, new, and undiscovered barrel when they reached for the Poo Poo paper, but then I read more and discovered a profound insight into modern consumerism. Here:
Kid 1: Wow. Look at that elephant. He really thinks his sh*t don’t stink.
Kid 2: Actually, it doesn’t always smell bad. Just yesterday I was trying out my new Crayolas on paper made from elephant poop.
Kid 1: Cootie alert.
Kid 2: No, no. It’s totally clean.
Kid 1: Keep talking.
Kid 2: So these people collect the dung, dry it out, and wash it, leaving fibers from the grass, bamboo, and fruits the little guy’s ingested.
Kid 1: Grody. To the max.
Kid 2: I’m not done yet. Then they boil the fibers so they’re super clean, add banana tree and pineapple fibers to thicken the paper, and dry it in the sun. You’d never even know it was made from caca.
Kid 1: Okay. Kinda rad.
You see the genius. Regular non-hot, un-new, and already-discovered people might think that paper made from elephant crap is kind of disgusting. But for that very reason, ultimate insiders find it hot. The selling point is the repulsiveness.
I think marketers worldwide will find this a pleasing development. Until now, they’ve been hamstrung by the need to make their products useful, or at least non-awful. But if leading-edge shoppers are willing to buy the opposite—and not just willing; already eagerly seeking such products out—then the doors are wide open. For example:
Consumer 1: Hey look, shoes made of razor blades. They actually inflict injury on you while you walk. What a stupid idea.
Consumer 2: Actually, some of the hippest Hollywood celebs are wearing these now.
Consumer 1: Keep talking.
Consumer 2: According to Variety magazine, there’s nothing hotter than leaving a little trail of blood spots from your mangled feet. The pain is what makes it outrageous.
Consumer 1: Okay. Kinda rad.
Incidentally, I noticed the slogan on the Poo Poo Paper web site: “WE TAKE THE ‘OO’ OUT OF POO!”. Following that is: “TM”. Someone actually came up with that phrase, then thought: “Gee, that’s some gold right there. I’d better officially register that before anyone steals it.”
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Bushra (#36)
Location: Fremont, California
Quote: ""
Posted: 6300 days ago
Joel Kelly (#1517)
Location: Canada
Quote: ""
Posted: 6300 days ago
Because as of right now, my feces are pretty useless. Just seems wasteful to flush it all away, you know?
No, you probably don't. Never mind.
Mincetro (#584)
Quote: "This isn't skiing"
Posted: 6300 days ago
Rod McBride (#688)
Location: Gardner, KS
Quote: ""
Posted: 6300 days ago
Michael Crider (#3054)
Location: Colorado, United States
Posted: 6300 days ago
Ah, PBS. The memories.
kitty (#1326)
Location: Upstate NY
Quote: "sweet"
Posted: 6300 days ago
How 80s. What's next, neo maxi zoom dweebie? :~)
austin (#2462)
Location: rhode island
Quote: "hmmm...bleh..."
Posted: 6300 days ago
Yoyodyn (#2480)
Location: TN, USA
Quote: "Yay though I walk through the valley of Gates, I shall fear no Windows."
Posted: 6300 days ago
Spencer (#2936)
Location: BYU
Quote: "I'm an X, Y-ing your Z!"
Posted: 6300 days ago
Thanks to max, I now have my life's calling: either to take the 'rap' out of crap, or the 'ee' out of pee. Although that wouldn't make sense; after I take the 'ee' out, Im still left with 'p', so I'll have to work on that one. Maybe my slogan could be: "we take the 'ee' out of pee and add a 'w' at the front. WEE!
I better work fast before my ideas are stolen. Thanks for the inspiring post!!
Burnt Toast (#3141)
Location: U.S.
Quote: "Who Burnt The Toast?!?!?!"
Posted: 6299 days ago
Farley (#2933)
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Quote: "YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!...thanks, that's all I wanted"
Posted: 6298 days ago
Marleen (#2741)
Location: Canada
Posted: 6298 days ago
Jeffrey (#2286)
Location: Right here
Quote: "Mathematics is a powerful language. Just look at how mathematicians destroyed the housing market."
Posted: 6298 days ago
Sven B. (#2792)
Location: Paris, FR
Quote: "If you did not make it, don't try to fix it."
Posted: 6297 days ago
As to aswer Marleen's concern, maybe the um... "harvesting" and processing costs of elephant dung are really lower than the processing costs of regular plant-fiber ? I don't know.
I really don't know. But, somehow, I'd rather have this idea originating from a profit-driven reflexion, than from some random guy idly watching elephants pooping on TV suddenly thinking : "Hey, man, look at that pile of shit ! If one were to tuen it into money, they'd be filthy rich ! Wait, this just gave me an idea..."
jakub_zulczyk (#3158)
Posted: 6292 days ago
Peter Larkins (#2811)
Location: Sydney
Quote: "Never let logic get in the way of a good MKTG idea ..."
Posted: 6282 days ago
Boris (#3047)
Location: Maryland, USA
Quote: "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Ia! Ia!"
Posted: 6278 days ago
Max, I just want you to know that you are amazingly funny.
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