Freaking Syrup movie
I’ll be honest: I never expected this to get made. In fact, I’m still skeptical.
I’m that cynical. It’s Hollywood, man. It eats you. But now there’s a cast
and a budget and a production date and I’m starting to think it could be real.
This was supposed to be announced tomorrow, but word leaked out early
and Variety
reported it,
so: they’re making
It’s what
kindly calls
a “smaller production,” starring
Shiloh Fernandez
and Amber Heard.
It’s based on a script I wrote, is to be
directed by Aram Rappaport, and will shoot in June in New York City.
This would be (will be, will be)
the first of my novels to be filmed.
I am totally flying over there and doing some kind of cameo. I’m looking forward to seeing sets. I don’t know why. But I always imagine locations pretty clearly—more so than the characters, in the physical sense—and I want to see the chair that Scat swivels around in. I know it won’t be just as I imagined. But it will be something in my head made real.
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Quote: "I'm my number one fan!"
Posted: 5033 days ago
syrup6 (#1224)
Location: Arkansas
Quote: ""Truth always rests with the minority, and the minority is always stronger than the majority, because the minority is generally formed by those who really have an opinion" - Kierkegaard"
Posted: 5033 days ago
shabooty (#637)
Location: D.C./V.A/M.D.
Quote: "I will shake your foundation. I will shake the f**cking rafters. Nobody'll be the same -Danny Bonaduce ....& go visit my blog @:"
Posted: 5033 days ago
Jenifer (#1868)
Location: Suwon, South Korea
Quote: ""I'll try everything once. If I like it, I'll try it again.""
Posted: 5033 days ago
Nate Murray (#1176)
Location: San Diego
Quote: "You can run, but you can't glide!"
Posted: 5033 days ago
Location: Darwin, Australia
Quote: "Inconceivable!"
Posted: 5033 days ago
Quote: "That's not change! That's more of the same!"
Posted: 5033 days ago
Location: Spokane, Washington
Quote: "Corgis are like potato chips"
Posted: 5033 days ago
I'll definitely be pimping your movie for you out here on the west coast. =)
John Thomson (#5303)
Location: Gretna, UK
Quote: ""And that was how I taught them to stop asking me for help with Windows.""
Posted: 5033 days ago
Anyway, great job. I still think Jennifer Gov. would make a good film... well, it's still possible, isn't it?
By the way, the story I'm writing, I mentioned it to you a while ago, I was wondering if you'd find the time in your "busy" life to read it when it's finished. A review from Max Barry, even if no-one else read it, would probably be worth writing it for.
Thanks, John Thomson, JOT Tech Ltd. :)
Location: Northern NSW
Posted: 5033 days ago
Location: Burnie, Tasmania
Posted: 5033 days ago
Of course you could always call Mick Garris..
Simon (#3192)
Location: Melbourne
Quote: "I'd rather be arrogant than wrong"
Posted: 5033 days ago
Karan (#1376)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Quote: "Quid Quid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Viditur - Anything said in Latin sounds important"
Posted: 5033 days ago
Location: New York City
Quote: "But never met this fellow attended or alone without a tighter breathing and zero at the bone"
Posted: 5033 days ago
Location: Netherlands
Quote: "Vote Early, Vote Often"
Posted: 5033 days ago
Seriously though, congratulations!
And FYI: you'd make a great guest on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. After all, the movie will need to be promoted, and I'm thinking he'd enjoy your perspective on society and sense of humor.
Posted: 5033 days ago
...and still dreaming of Jennifer Government ~
Phil Schroeder (#5336)
Location: Indianapolis
Posted: 5033 days ago
stanley becker (#5283)
Location: black hole
Posted: 5033 days ago
Swkoll (#5394)
Location: USA
Quote: ":)"
Posted: 5033 days ago
Brittany O. (#1688)
Location: Montana
Quote: "people are kind of overrated "
Posted: 5033 days ago
I will be so excited to see it when it finally comes out.
I would have prefered to see J.Gov come out in movie form as someone mentioned previously but either way- if this goes well maybe others will follow.
Matt (#5127)
Location: SF Bay Area
Quote: "I love Max Barry crap."
Posted: 5033 days ago
Posted: 5033 days ago
Thumbs up to Amber though.
Location: Sunderland
Quote: "Bugger it."
Posted: 5033 days ago
Don't let the heathens screw it up.
jessica (#3063)
Location: austin, tx
Quote: "You can't start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart."
Posted: 5032 days ago
Tim (#3286)
Location: 0riginalsin
Quote: "Oderint dum metuant"
Posted: 5032 days ago
JBBdude (#1884)
Posted: 5032 days ago
I second DucatiGuy and Alex, please let local fans in on filming dates so we can see it, maybe even meet you or be free labor as extras!
Do you know how wide the release is planned to be? Will it be a 3-cinemas-in-the-Village-and-one-in-LA type, or more of a mid-range art-house piece at a few regional artistic theaters?
Been waiting on a movie of one of your films for ages. Hope that this one prompts more.
Location: Alberta, Canada
Quote: "I don't wanna ride the elevator."
Posted: 5032 days ago
Either way I look forward to seeing it. Good luck.
Location: Ravena, NY
Quote: "I could write a book about being lazy. I just don't feel like it."
Posted: 5031 days ago
Rex (#5429)
Posted: 5031 days ago
Stijn (#5223)
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Quote: "Seek nothing and you will find everything."
Posted: 5030 days ago
Location: Heist, Belgium
Quote: "he reads things"
Posted: 5030 days ago
Nigel (#5420)
Posted: 5015 days ago
Location: Olathe, KS
Quote: ""Every day we must persevere. For we are engaged in a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress."Adapted from the masthead of "The Economist""
Posted: 5005 days ago
It will be great to see that guys dream come true. If he can do it, well then he can do it!
Beth (#5487)
Posted: 4983 days ago
congratulations, thinking of you and the family.
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