My Brilliant Publicity Schedule
It’s a big couple of months for my books. Here’s what they’re up to:
USA & Canada
The paperback is out March 13, and I tour two weeks later. The early word is that I’m headed to Los Angeles, Denver, Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago, Austin, Phoenix, and San Francisco. So the result of that polite discussion seems to be that Phoenix beat out Dallas, Milwaukee supplanted Boston, and LA and Madison combined to defeat Ann Arbor. I’m not saying that necessarily reflects on the inherent worth of those places. But you could certainly read it that way.
The dates and places should be confirmed shortly, and I’ll post ‘em here.
Also in the US & Canada, an audio version of Syrup has been released. I wonder if that’s some kind of record, a publisher coming out with an audio version nearly eight years after the book. No, probably not. In fact it wouldn’t even be close. I don’t know why I brought that up.
Australia & New Zealand
I’ve spent most of the last year moaning about my publishing troubles in Australia. Because it really grates on me that in my home country I am near-completely unknown, while in the US I am near-completely unknown, but not quite so much. This has nothing to do with wanting recognition for my artistic achievements, you understand. It’s about impressing chicks. But now I have a publisher, Scribe, and they’ve been crazy busy organizing publicity ahead of the March 5th publication. Seriously, you want your publisher to be enthusiastic, but this is almost beyond that. Just today, they’ve sent me… let me check… eleven emails. I have conversations with them that go like this:
Scribe: “Wow. Company. It’s such a great book.”
Me: “Thanks.”
Scribe: “I mean, seriously. I own ten copies. Not for publicity purposes. For myself.”
Me: “Oh, that’s… keen.”
Scribe: “Sometimes at night, I take off all my clothes and rub myself with the pages.”Well it wouldn’t surprise me. Anyway, the result is I’m doing a lot of Aussie media and book readings and festivals. Here’s what I have details for so far: the Como Writers Festival in Melbourne on the 17th and 18th of February, a Sydney book reading hosted by supercool comedian Wil Anderson on Friday March 16, the Sydney Writers Festival in May, and the Melbourne Writers Festival in August.
The Netherlands
The Dutch Company paperback is out in March, and the publisher has produced this incredibly slick Zephyr Holdings website. It’s got desktop wallpapers and email-your-friends cartoons and everything. I have no idea what they’re about, because they’re in Dutch. But I bet they’re frickin’ hilarious.
Unfortunately I suspect that this means Company needs to sell about a million copies or Uniboek will collapse under the weight of its outlandish web design expenditure. But fingers crossed.
They also seem to be re-publishing Jennifer Government under the title Logoland, and synchronizing the cover with Company’s. I love synchronized covers. They make me feel collectible.
United Kingdom
Still bugger all. Sorry.
This is where site members post comments. If you're not a member, you can join here. There are all kinds of benefits, including moral superiority!
Jeff T. (#2591)
Location: USA
Quote: ""WHO ARE YOU?!""
Posted: 6420 days ago
thewylddream (#1191)
Location: Montana USA
Quote: ""Always forgive your enemies -- Nothing annoys them so much." ~Oscar Wilde~"
Posted: 6420 days ago
Or I could wander over to myspace and *look* for you, but that is far too easy.
I hope I can catch your tour of the US! We loves ya mate!
Bas (#723)
Location: Rotterdam, ZH
Quote: "Funny how the horrible crushing of hopes makes no sound at all..."
Posted: 6420 days ago
I'll be buying the Dutch version, but I've never seen a translation that was quite as good as the original.
You should come over and sign a few copies. Now that would be good publicity.
Danni (#357)
Location: England
Quote: "Eagerly awaiting the European Tour."
Posted: 6420 days ago
You better get something sorted for the UK soon.
Barry Mitchell (#1001)
Location: Saukville, Wisconsin
Quote: ""A hamster's like a small camel" - Ben Katz"
Posted: 6420 days ago
I think I owe you a beer for that.
Barry Mitchell (#1001)
Location: Saukville, Wisconsin
Quote: ""A hamster's like a small camel" - Ben Katz"
Posted: 6420 days ago
"But my invitation to take you to a great brew pub in Milwaukee is still open! AND - I'll guarantee that I'll buy at least three of your books if you make it here. That's gotta be at least $3 in royalties for you, right? ;) 3 bucks and a beer on me - how can you beat that? If Martin comes along, I'll buy him a beer, too!"
Wow. Guess I better cash in my pocket change and put my money where my... er... fingers are? What?
Dan (#2673)
Location: USA
Quote: "Trust your stuff."
Posted: 6420 days ago
Too bad you could not have made it to the US east coast.
Marleen (#2741)
Location: Canada
Posted: 6420 days ago
Way to go, Max(x) :D
Katrina (#847)
Location: SF, CA
Quote: "Good sex is like good Bridge: if you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand." -- Mae West"
Posted: 6420 days ago
HAL 9000 (#271)
Location: Boston
Quote: "Let them hate me, so long as they fear me."
Posted: 6420 days ago
Justin (#2009)
Location: Halfmoon, NY
Quote: "Max(x) is awesome!"
Posted: 6420 days ago
Justin (#2009)
Location: Halfmoon, NY
Quote: "Max(x) is awesome!"
Posted: 6420 days ago
Adam (#24)
Location: Morristown, Indiana
Quote: "Why do I blog? Simple, because Max Barry blogs."
Posted: 6420 days ago
...probably not though.
-adam speicher
PS I think the Bible has the record for having an audio version be published years after it was written. It's like 2000+ years old.
Adam A. (#256)
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Quote: "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin"
Posted: 6420 days ago
Emily (#609)
Location: New York
Quote: "When in doubt, fuck it. When not in doubt, get in doubt!"
Posted: 6420 days ago
Nick (#2620)
Location: Amersfoort
Quote: "Am I dreaming this?"
Posted: 6419 days ago
The Dutch site indeed is flashy as hell. Reading it makes me want to buy Company/Logoland. Funny thing: on the site the promotion for the book aimes at managers, not novel readers. But perhaps managers can also read novels. I sure hope so.
Nico Voskamp
Charles Lee (#2518)
Location: Dallas, TX
Quote: "If at first you dont succeed, why try again?"
Posted: 6419 days ago
austin (#2462)
Location: rhode island
Quote: "hmmm...bleh..."
Posted: 6419 days ago
But anyway, how will I see you if you scrap Boston?? Not to be rude, but I don't want to have to drive like, 200 miles to go see you.
Keith Dotson (#1697)
Location: Detroit, Mi
Quote: ""I like to use 'I Can't Believe it's Not Butter' on my toast in the morning, because sometimes when I eat breakfast, I like to be incredulous. How was breakfast? Unbelievable." --Demetri Martin"
Posted: 6419 days ago
ryandake (#2199)
Location: scenic monterey, ca
Quote: ""The rest is not our business.""
Posted: 6419 days ago
towr (#1914)
Location: Netherlands
Posted: 6419 days ago
Luckily the US paperback version is out march 1. And it's cheaper too. (And out nearly two weeks earlier too)
James W. G. Ford (#1437)
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Quote: "Never allow yourself to be limited by tradition. If we all did that, we'd still live in caves."
Posted: 6419 days ago
Katy (#2345)
Location: Los Angeles
Posted: 6419 days ago
I'm so excited that you're coming to LA.
Mike Reason (#2743)
Location: Rhode Island, USA
Quote: ""Carpe Diem!""
Posted: 6419 days ago
Kit (#850)
Location: UK
Posted: 6419 days ago
David (#1456)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Quote: "Why are the pretty ones always insane?"
Posted: 6419 days ago
The UK can have you when they learn to play cricket at above junior grade level. And stop being impressed by snow.
SRD (#2889)
Location: Ogden, Utah
Posted: 6418 days ago
Jonah (#1462)
Location: Morristown, Indiana
Quote: "That little story your writing... with the developing plot... and the antagonist..."
Posted: 6416 days ago
Qaaolchoura (#226)
Location: Korea
Quote: "Treason never prospers, and what is the reason? If it does prosper then none dare to call it 'treason'"
Posted: 6416 days ago
Should had bothered to respond, didn't think they'd kill Boston.
Why the hell did they book you for Madison, Milkwaukee, and Chicago? And why can't you do Brattleboro or Northampon of something if you can do places like that? Springfield's a mid-size city and both those are towns, but Springfield's so decrepit people from there go to Northamton when they want to eat out. And Brattleboro is the largest Bohemian center in the area.
For that matter Amherst is about as important as Madison and Ann Arbor, (smaller, but five colleges in the immediate area, and a dozen within half an hour or so), and it's accesible from Albany, Boston, Springfield, Hartford, Concord, Providence, and, if you want to push it, the rest of the NE.
I'm quite certain that you'd get more people from either town than you'd get from the average of those three.
Three towns in one urban area, and not one in the eastern seabord states. Though Boston, Albany, and Providence are the only big cities I'd have a chance of making. Well, maybe New York and DC (which I've been pushing for for a while), chancy though.
The problem is that Midwesterners are swing states, which gets politicians to pay attention, which gets everybody else to pay attention. And they're at least as arrogant as we Yankees are, all the while claiming humility.
I'd boycott your tour for this insult. . . except that if I /could/ make it to the Midwest I would. Maybe I should learn to drive someday. . .
Damn all Hoosiers, and all the other funny names they call themselves. Actually, the overrepresentation of the Midwest probably has to do more with their self-confidence.
Kelsey (#2959)
Location: Canada
Posted: 6416 days ago
JB (#2465)
Location: Southern Illinoise
Quote: "I love you so much, now let's get something to eat."
Posted: 6416 days ago
austin (#2462)
Location: rhode island
Quote: "hmmm...bleh..."
Posted: 6415 days ago
austin (#2462)
Location: rhode island
Quote: "hmmm...bleh..."
Posted: 6415 days ago
Karan (#1376)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Quote: "Quid Quid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Viditur - Anything said in Latin sounds important"
Posted: 6415 days ago
anywho, one for the aussies! will do my best to show up in Sydney =D Good to finally see some publishing action, Max!
Barry Mitchell (#1001)
Location: Saukville, Wisconsin
Quote: ""A hamster's like a small camel" - Ben Katz"
Posted: 6414 days ago
Harry Schwartz Bookshops in Milwaukee says you're coming March 27 to the Bay View shop. The link to buy an autographed book is active, but it goes to a listing with no price, so I'm guessing they just set this up and didn't expect a freak, I mean, an eager fan like myself to be looking for it yet.
But I will be there. And I'll be calling ahead to reserve some hardcover editions to have you sign.
While I agree with the rest of the people here that it's odd to have Chicago, Milwaukee, AND Madison on that list, I suspect Max will have a great showing at all three locations.
C.J. Kershner (#2969)
Location: New York, NY
Posted: 6412 days ago
That's right. The whole state is completely illiterate. Just look at who they elected as their governor and tell me that they weren't squinting at the ballots.
Come to New York. Not only can we read, we do. And we're über-pretentious about it.
eldpollard (#1687)
Location: Blighty
Quote: "So it turns out the only only way to stop the butler running is to cut off his legs."
Posted: 6411 days ago
Sudi (#2895)
Location: Ithaca, 10 square miles surrounded by reality
Quote: "Mostly lucid"
Posted: 6411 days ago
Scott (#354)
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Quote: "Max Barry tastes like awesome"
Posted: 6411 days ago
Yawnder (#1840)
Location: Brossard, Qc, Ca
Quote: "Smile, Tomorrow Will Be Worse... - Murphy"
Posted: 6410 days ago
This ain't a "USA & Canada" tour. By the distance you'll be from canada, its about the same as if you go to southern germany and say you've toured from UK, France, Spain, Austria, Polland... (you get the picture) and I'm exagerating only a little bit.
STILL, I understand the low importance Canada has to your publisher!
Gud (#228)
Location: Melbourne
Posted: 6395 days ago
Matt (#2935)
Location: Melbourne
Quote: "If you cant handle the heat, get out of the volcano"
Posted: 6395 days ago
got company today in melbourne! :D
good so far, jsut got to october! :)
max, any chance of a meet n greet in melb?
please? :D
Karan (#1376)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Quote: "Quid Quid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Viditur - Anything said in Latin sounds important"
Posted: 6394 days ago
Ilya Popov (#2995)
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posted: 6393 days ago
I'm not quite sure how to phrase this, since I think legalistic terms need to be applied here, but nonetheless, I'm curious:
When a book of yours is translated into a different language, with a different title (ala Jen.Gov./Logoland), is the title of the translation recognised as being somehow the same as the original title? So if say for example, in a year, someone published a book in English, called 'Logo Land,' would it be copyright infringement somehow, or in violation of something or another?
Guy Wright (#2861)
Location: Toronto, Canada, eh
Quote: "push the button max! (Jack Lemmon as Prof. Fate)"
Posted: 6392 days ago
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