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Member # 2418

6-tabling Party Poker


Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 228 229 »

# Name Location Quote
148 Lindsay Atlanta, Georgia, USA -
149 Brant Christiansen Texas -
150 Matt Rabinowitz Los Angeles "George Bush is an evil asshole"
151 Oenone Konstanz, Germany "I don't want to lie to you, but I will."
153 Joshua Holm Michigan, USA -
154 Nick Barnes Oregon, USA -
156 James C King Perth, Austrslia "Let us rain some DOOM down upon the FILTHY heads of our DOOMED enemies! - Zim"
157 Sazzle - "A man on his deathbed regrets only the things he did not do."
158 poeticallybored Gainesville, FL "My lack of self-maintnence is the closest thing I have to self-deprecation."
160 Milo Nunez Brooklyn, Ohio "Pop is America's new drinking problem."
161 Adan Texas "If there's a SOLUTION, you'll find it."
162 sychodunk Rock in North Sea "The superhuman exists and he's American."
163 Jenna - -
164 Emily Manhart USA -
165 Terry Silberman nash "Democracy must be more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner."
166 Cameron Government melb-au "There once was a man from Nantucket"
172 Tony Laurenzana Indiana "To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before"
174 Ben Beuchler Minneapolis, MN, USA "It's only a donut."
175 Jeff Walsh San Francisco -
177 Adrienne Houston, TX USA -
179 snowboardingirl13 ND -
180 Jaime Philadelphia "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"
181 Matt Donofree Connecticut -
182 DR. LARRY MITCHELL Chicago, IL "'We have just lost cabin pressure.'"
184 Eddie Hilton Rochester, NY -

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