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Random Member of the Moment


Member # 1790

New Jersey, USA

"Roses are red; Violets are blue; in Soviet Russia, poem writes YOU!"

Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 ... 224 225 226 227 »

# Name Location Quote
8447 Dan AU "I don't have the intellect to remember quotes, sorry."
8448 Mark Hereld Interweb "“More is different” - P.W. Anderson"
8449 Bunker snake The walls of wallmart "not your moms bunker snake"
8450 murphy cahill - -
8453 Shane Perry Orono, Maine, USA "Every story written is marks upon a page. The same marks, repeated, only differently arranged."
8454 Cookiemuncher New Zealand "NationStates is the best!! "
8455 J - -
8459 cBbCrIBktC nsYNbryVVvquJJTjxoYPcsKI "nsYNbryVVvquJJTjxoYPcsKI"
8469 The Flower Shed Melbourne -
8471 Chris Los Angeles ""I better leave this town before I change it""
8475 Majeste Istanbul - Türkiye -
8515 we are hong kong allez allez hk "I don't need sex, ccp fuck us everyday"
8519 Raziel Warzone Sandbox -
8521 corilla corilla vinas "corilla vinas"
8525 tyquon tyquon dokes "tyquon dokes"
8546 Enrico Melandri Ravenna, Italy -
8548 SQ - -
8555 raevan raevan hallmagi "raevan hallmagi"
8586 derrica derrica kolacinski "derrica kolacinski"
8641 Jeff Love - -
8642 Kedarsinh Jadeja - "NationStates My Love"
8643 Thebernesia São Paulo , Brazil "Yooo , it's Thebernesen that nationstates guy"
8660 Tajahn Tajahn Fipp "Tajahn Fipp"
8661 Ben rishi sunak is poo "I was going to put ur moms house as my location"
8668 Greg Barron Minnesota "“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. "

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