Memory Bones
don’t want to freak you out, but MY DAUGHTER’S STRUCTURAL
INTEGRITY HAS BEEN BREACHED. Her bones have bent. One has cracked.
She has broken her arm.
It happened at an indoor play center, one of those technicolor places with dizzying heights and terrifying drops, trampolines that launch children through the air like patriot missiles and treacherous plastic balls that sneak out of pits to slip beneath tiny sneakers. Naturally, Fin navigated these with contemptuous ease, then tripped over her own feet on a stretch of flat carpet. Exactly how you break an arm falling two and a half feet onto shag pile, I don’t know. But she wailed like… well, like she’d just broken her arm. When this didn’t abate, and I noticed her arm dangling at her side like a wet noodle, I began to suspect something was wrong. I sprang into action, demanding a refund from the play center. Well, it was five bucks. And we’d only just arrived. I don’t see why I should have to pay five bucks for eight minutes of fun, followed by a broken bone. They gave it to me, too, plus a voucher for a free coffee my next visit, in 4-6 weeks.
As soon as that was taken care of, I carried my screaming three-year-old daughter straight out of there. I didn’t have a car, so I bore her in my arms to the nearest hospital. I don’t want to claim I was a hero, but if anyone wants to make a movie of my life, that would be a really moving scene. I think there could be an operatic sound track at that point. That’s just a thought.
Fin stopped crying the second we stepped into the Emergency Room, which was a shame, because they decided she wasn’t urgent and told us to go to another hospital. I was tempted to pinch her, in the interests of securing prompt medical attention. But that might have been a difficult moment to explain in the movie. So off we went to the Royal Children’s Hospital, where they X-rayed her, pulled her bones straight, and encased her arm in plaster.
Let me tell you about this process. I’ll tell you the same way Dr. Elliot explained it to me, right before he began to inflict excruciating pain on my daughter: “We’ll give her some gas. It’s not for pain relief. What it does is block the formation of short-term memory, so when it’s over, she won’t remember what it was like.”
Now, I don’t want to criticize Dr. Elliot. He is a smarter, better-educated guy than me, and no doubt across the many excellent medical reasons why this is the optimum course of action for children. But if they suggested this idea to an adult patient, that person would PUNCH THE DOCTOR RIGHT IN THE MOUTH. Is this not the most horrible concept you have ever heard? “We won’t block your pain. We’ll just make you forget it afterward. It’s basically the same thing.” NO IT’S NOT. Option A: no pain. Option B: TONS OF PAIN. That’s the difference.
Fin sucked on that gas like she was drinking it. Dr. Elliot pulled her bones straight. “Daddy,” she cried out. “Daddy, I want you.” I squeezed her free hand and told her it was all right, and a few seconds later she had forgotten all about it. When they were finished, she smiled and said, “I like this hospital.”
I hope that creeps you out as much as it did me.
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Alexei Diaz-Paz (#1817)
Posted: 5795 days ago
Jack (#2443)
Location: Australia, Bendigo
Posted: 5795 days ago
Djoules (#1553)
Location: Paris, France
Quote: "yes... maybe."
Posted: 5795 days ago
I had never heard about this kind of chemistry and thought it would forever stay only a sci-fi classic ; but knowing it happens to exist, with all that it implies as horrible usage bad people could do with...
Not only that but how can they be sure that it's the right thing to do ? Sometimes good intentions end in bad results ; if you remove memories from whoever had a nasty incident, they might act dangerously again. Or could keep some fears about something but be unable to know where this fear comes from...
Anyway, i wish Fin a fine and quick recovery :)
Location: Darwin, Australia
Quote: "Inconceivable!"
Posted: 5795 days ago
Hope she gets lots of nice pictures on her plaster, and becomes the envy of her friends!
Keith (#3904)
Location: Japan
Quote: "Don't you hate it when you write something, then find out someone already did it? It's like pre-emptive plagurism."
Posted: 5795 days ago
Peter Weisberg (#1820)
Location: Redmond, WA
Quote: "Women are like domain names. All the good ones are taken, but you can still get one from some crazy foreign country."
Posted: 5795 days ago
Location: England
Quote: "Eagerly awaiting the European Tour."
Posted: 5795 days ago
Location: Los Angeles, California (school) | Akron, Ohio (home)
Quote: "Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance."
Posted: 5795 days ago
Hey Fin! You don't know me, but it doesn't mean I can't wish you a fast recovery!
...that was really creepy. Quick, where's the memory gas stuff?!? Dr. Elliot, explain the procedure.
"What it does is block the formation of short-term memory, so when its over, she wont remember what you look like."
"Thanks, Doctor. What the hell--"
"What this does is block the formation of short-term memory, so neither of you will remember what I look like."
"Who are you again?"
shabooty (#637)
Location: D.C./V.A/M.D.
Quote: "I will shake your foundation. I will shake the f**cking rafters. Nobody'll be the same -Danny Bonaduce ....& go visit my blog @:"
Posted: 5795 days ago
That was my spot as a kid =p
Mats (#1057)
Location: Turku, Finland, Europe, Earth
Quote: ""The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist knows it." James Branch Cabell via Robert Oppenheimer"
Posted: 5795 days ago
HEy FiN!! Grrr8 cAsT!
Ps. yur dAd's Aww-soME.
Karan (#1376)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Quote: "Quid Quid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Viditur - Anything said in Latin sounds important"
Posted: 5795 days ago
best wishes to Fin!
Location: Toronto, Canada, eh
Quote: "push the button max! (Jack Lemmon as Prof. Fate)"
Posted: 5795 days ago
My older son was at the local Fracture Clinic so many times I would joke with my wife that we should ask for frequent flyer miles. He was (is) such a big kid (always in the 90th percentile on the size charts so the family doctor told us)that I think his frame was always playing catch-up. The most ironic visit to the clinic though had to be the time he was injured in Gym class in high school doing one of those "trust exercises". You know, you fall backward and someone (usually you happen to be paired up with your worst enemy) catches you. In this case, the teacher had set up stands with cross beams attached (rather like a limbo stand) and a couple of kids on either side pass a member of the group over the cross beam to be "caught" by the other kids. My son ended up getting dropped and breaking his wrist. Laughably, he was the second student to break something doing this exercise that day. I don't recall getting a refund on the education portion of my municipal tax bill though - so you're one up on me there pal.
I never asked my son if this likewise shattered his ability to trust his fellow students, but now that I think about it, it was soon after this that he started skipping school. I learned later that as I was driving off after dropping him off at the front door of the school, he was going out the back door, later deleting the school admin's message off the home phone. Kids, eh! Jeez, I really missed the litigation boat on that one.
JacksSmirkingRevenge (#1324)
Location: That place where Billy Elliot was comitted, England
Quote: "What can the harvest hope for if not for the care of the reaper man?"
Posted: 5795 days ago
Matt (#1683)
Location: Canada
Quote: "Quote?"
Posted: 5795 days ago
Location: London, United Kingdom
Quote: "We are all history's middle children."
Posted: 5795 days ago
Location: Berlin, Deutschland
Quote: "Give a man a match and he'll stay warm for the rest of the day; Set a man on fire and he'll stay warm for the rest of his life."
Posted: 5795 days ago
Amber (#3671)
Location: Oregon, U.S.A
Posted: 5795 days ago
I do not like the sound of this gas one little bit... though, on second thought... I wonder how difficult it wouldbe to get a hold of, it might be useful thing to have on hand. Think of the possibilities... nevermind.
On second thought, are you sure it wasn't just a bit of reffer?
I don't mean to sound uncompassionate to Fin and her structual integrity, (and she is so cute! by the way)by saying the broken arm is not scary, I just have four of my own, the oldest three being boy's, plus a plethora of neices and nephews... and if I made short a list of possible injuries you should be wary of/look forward to (mutiple fractures, full body poison ivy rash, sprains, chipped teeth, lost wrestling macthes with blackberry brambles, lacerations requiring sutures, road burn that covers half the body, deep tissue bruising, riped off toenails, bug bites,... etc.) you would likely put her in a plastic bubble wraped with bubble wrap and padded with your own hair that you pulled out as you read the list.
And... speaking of your own hair, I'm glad to hear about the gnomes and the alcohol and the giddy e-mailing, I was worried when I recieved the old mustache blog, I thought you were yelling at me for not commenting on it or something, I had to go sit and contemplate my actions quietly for a while, so it is good to know that is all cleared up now, and I hear that goblins take their work much more seriously. Good replacement choice.
the-tine (#472)
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Quote: "Coming soon to a planet near you."
Posted: 5795 days ago
Get well, Fin!
Valadur (#3780)
Posted: 5795 days ago
No I did not get the "you forget everything gas" or the "you won't feel this gas". I got the "doesn't this feel like a root canal while getting kicked in the nuts and then someone ripping out your kidneys?"
Doctors are completely out of touch. They should have to try it on themselves first so they can accurately describe and PRESCRIBE for the event at hand.
Location: Sydney, Australia
Quote: "Why are the pretty ones always insane?"
Posted: 5795 days ago
That ST memory inhibitor gas is fascinating all right, I had no idea anything like that was in general use. Lots of reports of experiments on such things, but that they're actually using it in a hospital in Melbourne, that's a surprise. Oh, of course, you live in *Melbourne* - there's just so much pain there that needs to be erased, of course they'd be using experimental drugs on the children and adults who are unlucky enough to live there (pssst, Max, it's in the beer ;-) )
Abgrund (#3357)
Location: Atlantis
Quote: ""Redeem your mind from the hockshops of authority." - Ayn Rand"
Posted: 5794 days ago
I would guess the reason they prefer the forget-me gas is safety. Anesthesia is dangerous, partial anesthesia (which is what that is) rather less so. I'm not sure what purpose it serves, though, other than to avoid making us stronger (as pain is supposed to do).
The possibility of such methods being used by police or lawyers bother me a lot more than hospitals using them, though.
Mavenu (#1903)
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow
Quote: "The South Pacific Rocks:"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Jennifer M. Dambeck (#3061)
Location: NJ, USA
Quote: "Rock on"
Posted: 5794 days ago
I've often thought that real life needs a soundtrack, then we'd know when the scary parts were coming.
Hugo Edwards (#3925)
Location: Philadelphia
Quote: ""Science!""
Posted: 5794 days ago
Picto (#64)
Location: United Kingdom
Quote: "Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light? - Maurice Freehill"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Abgrund (#3357)
Location: Atlantis
Quote: ""Redeem your mind from the hockshops of authority." - Ayn Rand"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Location: Morristown, Indiana
Quote: "Why do I blog? Simple, because Max Barry blogs."
Posted: 5793 days ago
Then I realized this was real life. I hope your daughter gets better soon. :)
Elisha (#1577)
Location: Ontario
Quote: "I am on the next page, the next book."
Posted: 5793 days ago
that's terrifying.
Andrea (#2583)
Location: New York City
Quote: "I Hate My Job"
Posted: 5793 days ago
that's frightening!
why didn't they give her pain medication?
does that affect her long-term memory?
how is this even an option!!!?
Andrea (#2583)
Location: New York City
Quote: "I Hate My Job"
Posted: 5793 days ago
Michael Ricksand (#2212)
Location: Terra
Quote: "You do not have a right to be stupid."
Posted: 5792 days ago
I hope those goblins are the ones from Jim Henson's Labyrinth. I liked them, and I always hoped they had some way of getting by when they weren't getting any more movie jobs.
Location: Melbourne
Posted: 5791 days ago
The usual practice for fracture reduction would be to give the patient oxygen, up to 30% Nitrous Oxide as an analgesic and possibly, but not necessarily, a very small percentage of a volatile anaesthetic agent such as desflurane or servoflurane. None of these will affect short term memory formation.
Propofol is an IV sedative commonly used in adult anaesthesia and it -does- cause retrograde amnesia, but it unlikely she was given this.
BTW, I'm not an anaesthetist either, but I did teach operating room nurses for twelve years.
Mark Tran (#3249)
Location: Canada
Quote: "If you lived here, You'd be home."
Posted: 5791 days ago
Simon (#3192)
Location: Melbourne
Quote: "I'd rather be arrogant than wrong"
Posted: 5790 days ago
Celeste (#2590)
Location: St.L. MO, USA
Quote: "You can't child-proof the world, so world-proof the child."
Posted: 5788 days ago
Both times I remember more than the docs were comfortable with. The second time, they combined it with Demerol. I remember wanting to know something and forgetting. I remember being nauseous after the procedure, and not being able to eat the crackers they offered me because I have a gluten allergy (which they didnt quite believe) I remember being at home, curled up (was I on the floor?) and being miserable at my children. I dont remember if I actually ate anything that day at all (I had gone in that morning on a fasting stomach), or if my children had any dinner that night.
The Doctor had suggested that forgetting drug "to so I wouldnt be uncomfortable" -even though the Demerol would have taken care of the pain, and I could have known what they were doing and discussing while cutting into my flesh.
I was awake and fully cognizant during the births of both my children, with only a local for the bit where they had to cut me wider to make room for the ridiculously large heads of my babies (I'm small). Childbirth is, all around, plenty "uncomfortable". I was awake, with only a local at the age of 17, when I got a spinal tap. That wasnt fun. But at least I remember what happened.
There is plenty in life that makes you "uncomfortable". Give me discomfort any day. The Demerol works fine, and if it doesnt, I'll take pain and remembering what happened, over nausea, misery and the 'discomfort" of not remembering, any day.
By the way, In the States, the street name of that med is "date-rape drug"- It is plenty creepy on its own, without that knowledge.
Location: Charlotte, NC
Quote: ""Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one." -- Eleanor Roosevelt"
Posted: 5787 days ago
I think they use something similar which is referred to as "twilight anesthesia" for things like colonscopies and angioplasties here in the U.S. However, those are procedures that are deemed uncomfortable rather than intensely painful, as is the setting of broken bones.
Personally, I have never cared much for the gas given during dental procedures. "Don't worry, this will relax you." Yeah, right!
I shudder to think about the possible applications of a memory wiping drug that could be so easily administered and so readily available.
Melvin Smiley (#3200)
Location: Germany
Quote: ""Life is nasty and it seemed pointless to say so!""
Posted: 5784 days ago
My dentist here in good old germany comes everytime with a huge, gigantic, terribly menacing shot (I really don't know how he manages to carry that "beast" to the dentists chair), drives it merciless in my mouth. After sometime my whole left or right side of the jaw goes numb, so that I'll eventually bite the inner side of my cheek and drool the rest of the day like an idiot.
I'd love some laughing gas (never have anything to laugh when I'm at the dentist). Of course everything is better than going sober. Did that as a child. I kicked, I screamed, I clawed, my mother had to hold me down and I hated this terrible torturer with his polished instruments. *shudder*
But when I remember today this terrible sessions, I don't have any memories about the pain. So maybe the memory gas is needlesly. My brain can erase such terrible things on its own.
Yenzo (#829)
Location: Secret underwater pyramid base in the Pacific
Quote: "In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe (Carl Sagan)"
Posted: 5781 days ago
I've heard about this gas before - actually from a guy who got it explained to him before they used it on him. When he told them that it sounded like something James Bond might use on his enemies, the nurse said something like "You wouldn't believe what else we got here. Makes James Bond look like a sissy."
I don't think you learn how to be reassuring in med school. Anyway, that gas has some nice philosophical implications: If you don't remember that someone has caused you pain, did it really happen?
The bad thing is that we're just learning about how pain might cause changes in your neurons and in your brain so that it might propagate itself regardless of you consciously remembering the cause or the first instant of the pain. Consciousness is overrated anyway.
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