The new book: The TV show
My new book, The 22 Murders of Madison May, is out next week in most of the world, and today in Australia and New Zealand. Now there is a TV show in development, too! This has been brewing for a while and today made it into the pages of Variety. So it’s official and I’m allowed to talk about it.
This is exciting firstly because it’s, you know, a TV deal, but also because it’s at MGM’s Orion Television, with show-runners Meredith Lavender and Marcie Ulin, who served the same role for The Flight Attendant. That was one of the more interesting new shows of last year, and lives in a smart / funny / endearing thriller space I like a lot.
What will happen next is Meredith and Marcie will go write a pilot script. Then, I can tell you, because this isn’t my first rodeo, this script will bounce between a bunch of people and be rewritten until either it’s good enough to get made or the studio is acquired or shut down. It is a race between those outcomes.
I’ve been lucky enough to have many books acquired for TV or film development (ten years ago, always for film; today, always for streaming TV), and even though it’s a crapshoot as to whether they work out—there are more rights acquisitions than TV shows—the process is fascinating and thrilling. When someone adapts my work, I feel like my story gets a new baby sibling: an addition, not a replacement, and I can admire the similarities and the differences. Also, if it actually winds up being produced, I get to see sets and actors dressed like people I imagined, which is a genuinely magical experience, like finding a door at the back of my closet to a place I always suspected was real.
So I love that I get to do this again.
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Location: Darwin, Australia
Quote: "Inconceivable!"
Posted: 1330 days ago
Radiatia (#6360)
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posted: 1330 days ago
Congratulations on the hopefully upcoming TV adaption! I hope it gets made and is good, although I've been saying the same thing about Jennifer Government for a while - that'll be awesome if it does ever get made.
Location: London
Posted: 1330 days ago
Location: Toronto
Posted: 1330 days ago
One way to get characters to look like you imagined them is if they were animated :) Have you considered anime or animation for any of your books?
Stijn (#5223)
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Quote: "Seek nothing and you will find everything."
Posted: 1330 days ago
Diliges (#8326)
Location: Indonesia
Quote: "hello"
Posted: 1202 days ago
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