A Better Max
Lately my Google Alert emails have become polluted with other Max
Barrys. I guess I knew it had to happen. I couldn’t have the web
to myself forever. But all of a sudden there are
three of us. The first guy to show up was okay.
writes about NFL. I gather that’s some kind of football. Not
good kind. But still. I was
just glad he was doing something. I didn’t want some whiny,
self-obsessed blogger Max Barry confusing everybody. I have that
base covered.
But now this third guy. I’ve been worried about the wrong thing. Because this Max Barry, he’s better-looking than me. He models. He’s younger. More hair. I guess that goes without saying. But really: tons of hair. He cooks. Plays tennis semi-professionally. Works as a personal trainer. Posts workouts-of-the-day to his website. Workout-of-the-days? Whatever. He’s a god, is my point. A toned, buffed, let-me-whip-you-up-a-filet-mignon god. He makes me look like crap.
At this point I haven’t decided whether to break into his house in the middle of the night and stab him or become fast friends and use him as my body double for TV interviews. That’s a decision for the new year.
Speaking of which! That’s it from me for 2009. Thank you so much to everyone who cared enough to follow what I’m doing this year. Double thanks to everyone who made this the year of Machine Man. Triple—wait, this is getting ridiculous. But thank you, thank you to those who emailed me feedback on the serial, because that is incredibly helpful as I turn this thing into a novel.
I hope your year was a good one, and your next is better. And may I leave you with this: my daughter Finlay’s first ever appearance on stage, at her four-year-old ballet concert. They are dressed as kangaroos, if you’re wondering. This was one of the most terrifyingly beautiful moments of my life. I’m not talking about the dancing. I’m talking about what happened next.
This is where site members post comments. If you're not a member, you can join here. There are all kinds of benefits, including moral superiority!
Location: Sydney
Quote: "(insert something witty, eventually...)"
Posted: 5537 days ago
Genie (#3905)
Location: NZ
Posted: 5537 days ago
Quote: "well thats weird. i was under the impression that you were incredably stupid."
Posted: 5537 days ago
Location: England
Quote: "Eagerly awaiting the European Tour."
Posted: 5537 days ago
Location: London, England
Quote: "We're today's scrambled creatures, locked in tomorrow's double feature (Bowie)"
Posted: 5537 days ago
Finlay may never forgive you for it though!
Rod McBride (#688)
Location: Gardner, KS
Quote: "www.MidwestRockLobster.blogspot.com"
Posted: 5537 days ago
Brittany O. (#1688)
Location: Montana
Quote: "people are kind of overrated "
Posted: 5537 days ago
Fin is darling as ever. Procreate more so we have other cuties to look at!
And have a great New Years!
Location: Fremont, California
Quote: "www.caffeinatedmuslim.com"
Posted: 5537 days ago
Location: St. Louis
Posted: 5537 days ago
Skyler (#4636)
Posted: 5536 days ago
Nick Dantanavatanawong (#254)
Location: United States
Posted: 5536 days ago
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Quote: "I'm my number one fan!"
Posted: 5536 days ago
Location: Calgary AB Canada
Quote: "Where's Lola? WHERE'S LOLA?!?!"
Posted: 5536 days ago
Also, that other Max Barry is kinda creepy looking... something about him... I just can't put my finger on it.
Janet (#2030)
Location: California
Quote: "There are three kinds of people in this world: Those that can count and those that can't. Which one are you?"
Posted: 5536 days ago
And it's okay! At least you don't look like a cheap Arnold Schwarzanneger clone. Dude, looks like his face has plastic surgery!
And with a little bit of dough you claim from your novel (Machine Man), you'll be able to celebrate with a....WIG :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Maximillian Barry (#4637)
Location: CT
Posted: 5536 days ago
To Max Barry the football writer:
You write about the game you love quite well. It would be great to chat, and give each other some insight...I'll show you a few full body circuits you can do at home, in exchange for some noteworthy points on the NE Patriots. I'm seeing a girl who's obsessed with them, but I can only just bring myself to watching the highlight reel!
To Max Barry my new BFF:
First of all, I want to thank you for your kind words. This post immediately had me feeling both appreciative and 'wee'-ing in my pants, as @Paula puts it.
Next Max (really enjoy writing 'Max', as I can't recall knowing any others), it's an honor to be in communication with such an accomplished author. You've got an uncanny ability to engage your audience. Your writing style is casual, clear, and honest, while being poignant and funny, too!
Speaking of humor...workout/workouts-of-the-day had me rolling for two reasons:
1)As you know, I refer to my daily workouts as WODs. I didn't coin the term, you see I'm certified with CrossFit- they did. What's funny here is that they leave out the 'T' for 'The', yet grace 'Of' with its own letter 'O'. Never got that totally, either.
2)Reading through your site, I noticed you are delivering your faithful fans one page per day of Machine Man ---> PODs VS. WODs ahahahaha!
Seriously though, It's nice to 'meet' you. As for the body doubling, I'm sure we can work something out lol!
By the way, I signed up for your Machine Man POD, and look forward to reading more.
Also, Finlay is absolutely adorable...just for getting up there on stage, displays how brave she is, and how independent she will be!
Happy Holidays to you and yours Max Barry
Be Well,
-Maximillian Barry
Location: York, UK
Quote: "I fell in love with Max Barry and all I got was this unedited manuscript."
Posted: 5535 days ago
Merry Christmas, every one!
Justin (#2009)
Location: Halfmoon, NY
Quote: "Max(x) is awesome!"
Posted: 5534 days ago
Katy (#2345)
Location: Los Angeles
Posted: 5534 days ago
Fin is adorable! Does she know she's a star now on the internet? :)
Location: Calgary AB Canada
Quote: "Where's Lola? WHERE'S LOLA?!?!"
Posted: 5533 days ago
schylgerican (#4651)
Location: terschelling west
Quote: "just because life is meaningless, doesnt mean you cant enjoy it!"
Posted: 5527 days ago
And just so you know, that video, one of the cutest things ever
Location: Texas, USA
Quote: ""A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read. " --Mark Twain"
Posted: 5525 days ago
Katy (#2345)
Location: Los Angeles
Posted: 5522 days ago
I was trying to find out about your education, Max Barry the author, because my friend wants to go into marketing but thinks she can't unless she gets into the business major she's applying for, so I'm searching for counterexamples (are you one? I still haven't found anything). Anyway, I found this page:
as the second search result when googling "Max Barry education." He's a programmer analyst, whatever that is! Neat-o.
Yubi Shines (#1664)
Location: Canada
Posted: 5517 days ago
Model!Max looks a teeny bit like Ioan Gruffudd. Hmm.
On body doubles, I am reliably informed that I've got a Scottish doppelganger running around the US. I think the matrix is glitching again.
Jeffrey (#2286)
Location: Right here
Quote: "Mathematics is a powerful language. Just look at how mathematicians destroyed the housing market."
Posted: 5491 days ago
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