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Random Member of the Moment


Member # 7859


"It always seems impossible until it's done"

Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 ... 216 217 218 219 220 221 ... 228 229 »

# Name Location Quote
7954 Jack - -
7955 lee LONDON UK "What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to sit and stare"
7960 Briny Seoul ""I have many quote-ish quotes. How to pick one?""
7962 Joe Mama Mordor ""Who's Joe?""
7966 lane - -
7976 Chris Sheppard New Jersey -
7979 Nathan Hayward Canada "MMMmmm turtle -me after eating turtle"
7982 Valerie Brooks Santa Fe, NM ""Awful used to mean 'full of awe.' The same meaning as awesome. I learned that from a dictionary.""
7985 Luke kim - -
7988 Sheldon Virginia "A Dictator Needs The People To Stay In Power"
7994 chulez Not where I should be ""You look up to me like I'm a pizza on the roof!""
7995 marcosherry22 usa "arlocamera"
8000 ezequielvince Tomball ,texas, USA -
8006 Stephanie Qld Aust -
8007 Soviet - -
8037 Shane Luder - -
8057 christopher USA "I wish I had written Lexicon!"
8106 bfWwmvxTz xfgMslJpHdhb "fQagDdwjceus"
8107 Bioqatalyst Adelaide "Here for a good time not a long time"
8114 Jim Bower St. Louis, MO ""Try to learn from the mistakes of others, because you will not live long enough to make all of them yourself.""
8149 T.X. Watson Massachusetts "The personal is political."
8150 Chris Browne Melbourne -
8151 Erik Jarvi - -
8152 SirCattus - -
8153 Phil mccarthy Ireland "I wasn't going to chop my arms off, Not today"

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