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Random Member of the Moment


Member # 5707

New York

"Stand for your beliefs"

Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 ... 219 220 221 222 223 224 ... 226 227 »

# Name Location Quote
8243 Mindi Picotte New Zealand "“We must continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.” Maybe Kurt Vonnegut. Maybe not. "
8244 Elizabeth Neilson Minneapolis, MN -
8245 Kevin Here, there, everywhere -
8246 Carmelita Brooks Utah -
8250 John Adams USA -
8251 Lawrence Walters Chicago, USA -
8252 Graham Adelaide -
8253 James Patterson Washington DC "I'm Wild for Max Barry"
8254 lourenco - -
8259 Linda Brewer California -
8261 Chris Harman SOTHC1977! "Either those curtains go or I do."
8262 Joe TEXAS "Space Marine Among Us be like "Though I don't doubt any of your faith, I have received information that one of us fakes loyalty" *Exterminatus*"
8263 djelgroucho Seattle -
8265 Anonymous - -
8267 Matt Illinois ""Death is mandatory""
8268 SirWatermelon United Kingdom "Clouds are alien engine vapour."
8269 Dante W-T East Coast, US ""Your life is your own monarchy, only YOU can control it""
8270 Afforess USA "a witty saying proves nothing"
8271 Kit - -
8274 Uunited Islands The mighty dictatorship of the Uunited Islands "Pride and industry "
8275 Muhammad Shahdil Ikhwan - -
8276 unreliablenarrator SFR Yugoslavia "I have tried so hard to do right"
8282 gentoo - -
8286 muninnhuginn Dittone -
8287 Kenneth Smith Dallas "Try he harder you work the better luck you have."

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