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Random Member of the Moment

Jp Udoba

Member # 3111



Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 ... 206 207 208 209 210 211 ... 226 227 »

# Name Location Quote
7241 Denise and Anne Germany -
7242 Angie Wisconsin "When I was a kid I wanted to be a dog when I grew up."
7243 Koke Houston,Texas "Survival of the Fittest "
7249 Lord Lordish - -
7250 Aleia Kim Oregon, USA ""The same marks, repeated, only differently arranged.""
7253 bORIL Sofia/BG "ITS; FULL; OF ASTEROIDS; **BITCH** {{ DO; U ; JOIN ME; Capt.Nemo-Steam-Powered-Rocket-Ship @_@@MONOCLE @_@@_@_ }}"
7255 Trixie - -
7256 Ben Winderman Doylestown, PA "Live like a mountain - Aldo Leopold or Edward Abby; I think Leopold"
7257 luke UK -
7258 Nicola Gill - -
7263 Isis Brazil "no man under the sky lives twice"
7264 Lori Schroeter NYC -
7265 Muhammed Saleem.P.M Kerala "I think therefore I am"
7266 rakha landika bogor,west jawa,indonesia "Be United Not Divided"
7267 Carmen Rogers Searcy, Arkansas -
7269 Stephen Bagwell USA "The Higher The Fewer"
7271 Andy USA -
7272 Michael - -
7273 Katsugane - -
7274 melanie j long beach, ca "why did you do it?"
7275 OoVid - -
7276 Jan Australia -
7278 Angel - "Plata O Plomo"
7279 Yankee Bulldog -
7280 Chandra Brooklyn "May you be in Heaven a full half hour before the Devil knows you're dead."

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