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Random Member of the Moment

Philippe Bolay

Member # 3142


"Quotes are great for hiding mediocrity"

Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 ... 205 206 207 208 209 210 ... 226 227 »

# Name Location Quote
7203 Ryan Guam -
7206 Dorty Dorty's basement "You can't escape the basment"
7207 Layne Marshall America ""Nine grams of lead is the solution to every problem" -Joseph Stalin"
7211 Jon Alt - -
7212 David Tower Michigan ""Shoot me." "
7215 Garvey China -
7216 Bas netherlands "yaaaaaawn"
7217 Brenda Berowra Bushland "entering your world via the book portal is awesome"
7220 Robert U.S. -
7221 Le - -
7222 THarris - -
7223 Shaun Rochester, New York -
7224 HeZeiShi Somewhere -
7225 Tamam Palestine -
7226 Christine - -
7229 minerva sydney "lets make america great again - sorry"
7230 jtnt darwin -
7231 Allister Lynn - -
7232 Patrick Connell - -
7233 Chase The Known Universe "Hey, stop looking at my quote!"
7235 X Manhattan -
7236 Simon U.S. -
7237 madowz - -
7238 Cts - -
7239 Mindless3D Finland -

« 1 2 ... 205 206 207 208 209 210 ... 226 227 »