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Member # 1857



Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

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# Name Location Quote
688 Rod McBride Gardner, KS ""
690 Clarissa Molina California "Agent 9? Yes, that is me ... Code name Claire Jamba Juice"
691 John Brisbane, Australia "No Comment"
694 Holly England ""Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.""
695 Tyler Paper Street "For a moment, nothing happened, then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen"
696 Jennifer Liverpool -
697 Eric Quebec -
699 Ryan - -
702 Haley Schurgin Maine, USA ""Huh? Did you say someth- oh, there's that Q-tip I couldn't find!""
707 Terry Cutler Melbourne, Australian Territories "Never say down, Down Under"
708 michele Italy "I forgot what I wanted to say..."
709 tim england "better out than in"
710 Sheng Yi Melbourne "Oops, I think we amputated the wrong leg. "
711 Athena Grace USAF "Foamy rocks"
713 Lucas Canada! -
715 Alex Walton Norwich, England ""Just eat it.....""
716 Kitta Perth, Western Australia "Don't feed or spank the monkey"
717 shalini -
719 Mike Markland Illinois U.S.A "The Revolution Starts ..... NOW !!!!"
720 Nikki Florida "Success is living up to your potential. That's all."
723 Bas Rotterdam, ZH "Funny how the horrible crushing of hopes makes no sound at all..."
724 Dead Ipswich, Australia "5'4" and bulletproof."
725 Ole-Morten Duesund Bergen, Norway "Gravity is a myth, the earth sucks!"
728 Mystra Las Vegas "Kill them all!"
730 hyosuke - -

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