Page 18.
Machine Man (serial)
I felt very excited after Lola Banks left the lab. She was the first person I’d shown my prototype leg, and her reaction exceeded all my hopes. To be honest, I had been bracing myself for her to be grossed-out. And maybe most people would have been—would still be. But not Lola. She had knelt beside the leg. She had touched it. Gently. Almost affectionately. I thought about that for a long time.
It was getting late. My lab assistants had left a long time ago. I was probably the last person down here. But I didn’t feel tired. I looked down at my leg, the good one. Well. “Good” was the wrong word. I mean the one I’d had since birth. I rolled up my pants and turned it this way and that. It looked fat, and weak, and ordinary. The more I looked at it, the more it bugged me.
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Dan Guy (#3896)
Quote: "[email protected]"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Jennifer M. Dambeck (#3061)
Location: NJ, USA
Quote: "Rock on"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Matt (#808)
Location: AZ
Quote: "The only 3 books I've read in the last few years have been from the Barry Collection"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Kevin Murray (#3767)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Quote: "You only get one taste and for this gift we are graced"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Quote: "That's not change! That's more of the same!"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Location: Heist, Belgium
Quote: "he reads things"
Posted: 5794 days ago
towr (#1914)
Location: Netherlands
Posted: 5794 days ago
Even if he did want to go full cyborg, piecemeal replacement doesn't sound like the most brilliant option.
Michael (#3884)
Location: Here
Quote: "Wait, what?"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Greg Karber (#1568)
Posted: 5794 days ago
Location: St. Louis
Quote: "WARNING: Extended Use Of Narflz May Cause Explosive Diarhea"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Jeffers0n (#3865)
Location: Maryland, USA
Posted: 5794 days ago
MDH (#3934)
Location: Ireland
Quote: "You finding Ling-Ling's head?"
Posted: 5794 days ago
Location: Sydney
Quote: "vote with your wallet"
Posted: 5793 days ago
Location: Sydney, Australia
Quote: "Why are the pretty ones always insane?"
Posted: 5793 days ago
Or he could gulp down some of that short-term memory blocker gas they have in Melbourne and do it and not remember doing it. In fact... that may be exactly what happened last time! He deliberately stuck his leg in that press after blocking his short term memory so he wouldn't remember the pain (and couldn't later be found out by the company via lie detector or whatever). Yeah, this dude has BIID as well as the hots for cruel sadistic women like the company lawyer.
Then he'll have super-cyborg sex with Lola, or the lawyer, or someone...
Location: Los Angeles, California (school) | Akron, Ohio (home)
Quote: "Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance."
Posted: 5793 days ago
It'd be weird if these pages were only the pieces he remembered of his history in between bouts of the memory gas.
The sequel can be (tentatively) titled, "Thoughts Exterminated From The Machine Man" and can be free for a little while, then $6.95 for the whole book after Max sees this is an awesome idea.
Abgrund (#3357)
Location: Atlantis
Quote: ""Redeem your mind from the hockshops of authority." - Ayn Rand"
Posted: 5793 days ago
Another beautiful kind of symmetry would involve seven axes. Specifically, it would be symmetrical installments of Machine Man, seven days a week, without this ugly, awkward imbalance of not having a new page to read Saturday or Sunday morning.
Keith Nixon (#3894)
Location: BC, Canada
Quote: "Hmmmm......."
Posted: 5793 days ago
Remember to put your hack job on ice, as you should be able to sell them to science for a small sum. I may be interested in one...or maybe two (a tasty snack?).....hmmmmm......
Ajna (#3795)
Location: USA
Quote: "Judge if you want. We are all going to die one day. I intend to deserve it."
Posted: 5791 days ago
"Prosthetic Brain" by Logan Whitehurst... Check it out.
stanley becker (#5283)
Location: black hole
Posted: 5080 days ago
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