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Max Barry.
Machine Man (serial)

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nick (#3850)

Location: Melbourne
Quote: "Pick me, pick me, I'm ever so smart!"
Posted: 5411 days ago

Well, I laughed.

Morgan (#1413)

Location: TX
Posted: 5274 days ago

I'm gonna be pissed when this ends... this is how I start my work day.

David Robson (#342)

Location: Home of the Simpsons and Abe Lincoln
Posted: 5257 days ago

Max...I am disappointed that the book has ended, but it was a...hmmmm..."novel" novel, in more ways than one. The approach was similar to old fashioned movie serials, though much longer but with just as many cliff hangers. Interestingly, I started caring for Charlie and Lola...and the final page almost brought a tear to my eye. The serial method was something to clear my mind at the end of the work day, whether a paragraph or two pages.

Please consider starting another one this way.

Roman Averson (#4654)

Location: Mississippi
Quote: "Don't Panic."
Posted: 5225 days ago

I just finished going through the section that I could avoid monetary compensation for, and enjoyed it thoro.. thorou... a lot. Overall, I think the characters are fleshing out and taking on their own (word that means what I can't think of... maybe personality?). I'll be sure to keep the ol' eyes peeled for the US release dates, but I'll probably have to order from the web, considering I live in Friggin Nowhere.

Keep up the good work and keep 'em biting for more.

vernes (#5434)

Location: The Netherlands
Quote: "Aging is the only terminal genetic illness that is accepted by society."
Posted: 4725 days ago

I want a hardcopy.

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