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Date: Fri Mar 20 00:10:29 2009 +0000

Page 3.

It was a good hospital; very exclusive. The company spared no expense. Technically theyWorkplace accidents were covered for workplace accidents, but these things are never, well, clean cut. A hint of neglience and they’d be out two million bucks. Not to mention the publicity, which, doingalways a big deal at Better Future—or, rather, it was a big deal that nobody make them into a big deal. Doing what we did, our public image was tightly managed. The last thing the company wanted was a journalist sniffing around, asking about our peculiar death and injury rate.

Also, I think they were never keen on. Soworried I might sue. I wasn’t going to. It was my own fault. But I hadguess these things are never… well… clean cut.

So I got a private room with a view over the Gardens. At dusk the glass scrapersskyscrapers on the far side of the park radiated orange fire. At ten each morning, my legI was bathed by a beautiful nurses.nurse. There were all the painkillers I could want. Nobody visited me. It was very pleasant.


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