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SOURCE P17 V4/8.
Machine Man (serial)

V3← Final →V5

Date: Sat Mar 28 01:33:29 2009 +0000

Page 17.

“Oh,” Lola said. “I see.”

She walked in a circle around my prototype leg three times. She stopped beside the Clamp, the big pre-fab die stamp that had crushed my old one,leg, although she didn’t know that. ItThe Clamp was gleaming clean and humming on standby.clean. You couldn’tdidn’t leave machinery of that caliber of machinery idle just because some idiot managed to lose a limb in it. It was expensive as all get-out.

“That looks heavy,” she said.

“It’s about 180 pounds,” I admitted. “It tends to dent the floor.”

“How do you lift it?”

“I don’t. It walks by itself.”

Lola looked at me.

“See that tripod wheel at the base? That

“That base rotates. There’s always some part of it touching the ground.”It’s essentially a wheel, on a shifting multi-dimensional axis.” I wanted to tell her its top speed, but didn’t, in case she thought I was showing off

“Huh. And what’s this?” She pointed at a squat black box, protruding from one side.

“The processor.” I rubbed my chin. “I’mprocessor. I’m not really happy with the positioning.positioning on that. It’s a little vulnerable.”

“What does it do?”

“Oh. You know. Basic monitoring and control. GPS. Data storage. Wi-fi.”

She blinked. “Your

“Your leg has wi-fi?”

“Of course. Otherwise it couldn’t interface with the Google Maps API for optimum path-finding.”

Lola looked at me blankly.

“Basic encapsulation,” I explained. “You

“You shouldn’t need to keep telling your leg where to step. You should tell it where you want to go, and let it figure out how to get you there.”

Shethere. That’s basic encapsulation.”

Lola looked back at the leg. I don’t think she really understood encapsulation. But she liked leg. She squatted, reached out, and touched it.

I cleared my throat. “What do you think?”

Her fingers ran over the chrome. They caressed the plastic. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

I felt myself flushing. “Thanks.”


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