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Random Member of the Moment


Member # 5987


"my past doe not define who i am, i define who i am!"

Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 ... 211 212 213 214 215 216 ... 226 227 »

# Name Location Quote
7438 Drew Kientz New Mexico, USA "“Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.”"
7439 Heinrich - -
7440 aiden utqiagvik "The answer is in the dirt"
7443 Charlize - -
7444 .EE US -
7446 Indrek Estonia "Talking to a liberal is like trying to explain social media to a 70 years old."
7447 Joshua Eddy Melbourne -
7448 Collin Blatt Michigan -
7449 Lawrence Walters - -
7450 Rico tokyo "go with the flow"
7451 Conner - "Defeat you enemies but remember their names"
7452 Scott Corwin St. Mary's "Fuzzy wuzzy is a) bear b) hairless c) not so fuzzy then WAS HE?"
7461 dagredoviol 396 Ave Z Brooklyn NewYork USA 11223 "12"
7467 aidan mcclellan - -
7468 eiddeedmo kleiner brühl 5 eisenberg Germany 07607 "12"
7475 Braylon - "Quotes are for losers."
7482 sforssmary 396 Ave Z Brooklyn NewYork USA 11223 "12"
7489 yutleyrick 9270s. Navano St Colton California United States 92324 "12"
7492 andbarriermaryl kleiner brühl 5 eisenberg Germany 07607 "12"
7493 nheonomat 2201 Ridges Road Baileys Harbor Wisconsin USA 54202 "12"
7498 adventbatteries 2201 Ridges Road Baileys Harbor Wisconsin USA 54202 "12"
7514 bumwanker - "do you wank the bum or does the bum wank you"
7516 krburkvifu kleiner brühl 5 eisenberg Germany 07607 "12"
7519 onehandguy Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam "i want commit nuke"
7529 Andrew Salinas, CA, USA, Earth ""I went into medicine for the same 3 reasons as everyone else: Chicks, money, power and chicks!""

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