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Member # 740


"No eyes, no ears, no nose, no mouth..."

Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 ... 200 201 202 203 204 205 ... 226 227 »

# Name Location Quote
7032 Alison Herft NZ "I’m too tired to slap you, would you bash your face against my palm?"
7033 Greg Mulqueen Ireland "And you shall know the truth and it will set you free"
7035 Brandon - -
7036 Anonymous - -
7038 Carlene Barrett Australia -
7039 Aaron Yang - -
7040 It's a secret. Paris, France "Life is a disease: at the end, you always die from it."
7041 rupertjim9485 rj7654321 -
7042 Anna Kaiser Ohio -
7043 Berlusconi Soviet Canuckistan -
7044 Keith Terra "I am a carbon-based biped from Terra"
7045 Jennifer Rock Minneapolis, MN -
7049 Sharon Ewen Melbournia -
7051 c - -
7053 Salt Deep underground -
7054 Shannon S. animalkid "We know animals like there kids."
7055 Chase - "Respect Texasa on NationStates"
7058 Frostlantea - -
7059 Atom - "Unless it has to do with waffles, leave me out of it."
7060 Emma Lee Boulder, Colorado "Write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself. - Neil Gaiman"
7061 Basu - -
7063 Wallace - -
7064 Ana - "hail stan!!!11!111\\"
7066 Jakob The Grand Imperial Duchy of San Diego "Laughter is the best medicine, besides, y'know, medicine."
7067 delagar Arkansas -

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