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Random Member of the Moment

James Hamer Jr

Member # 1919

Deptford, NJ, USA

"The Boston Six"

Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 ... 194 195 196 197 198 199 ... 226 227 »

# Name Location Quote
6712 Thomas C - "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness"
6714 Thomas Bascom - ""Surround me with people who are fat..." -Julius Caesar"
6715 Hammie Z. Chicago ""I call you ducks when you act like ****""
6717 oonachorshelt rafael (fletaport) garcia bouved veracruz 9 subsotano c Madr "12"
6723 Adam Ford Melbourne "Free range, cruelty free, transhumanism - genetically modified for hedonic optima"
6725 aahoulahagris 2201 Ridges Road Baileys Harbor Wisconsin USA 54202 "12"
6730 Lilly US -
6731 Shelby - -
6732 Pip Condon Bowral "A person can fail many times but they are not a failure until they give up"
6733 Margareta Glenmaggie -
6736 Camilla Ochlan Los Angeles -
6739 Vic Earth "Will your words improve the silence?"
6740 Patrick Callahan Muskingum Valley, Ohio, USA -
6745 Tracey Max - -
6746 war1940 - -
6747 Ange Geelong, Victora -
6748 Madelyn Stewart - -
6750 Graeme Raid Southern California -
6752 Akshay Kukde India "underdog"
6753 Richard Field Hertfordshire UK ""Man has no right to kill his brother. It is no excuse that he does so in uniform: he only adds the infamy of servitude to the crime of murder." Percy Bysshe Shelley"
6754 Roo England "Uh...the one that Churhill said about trying really hard. Or the one from 300. Sparta, right?"
6755 Gary Stark Steel Mutts Inc -
6756 Kyle Moore Lebanon, MO ""THose who can read good books but choose not to, have no power over those who cannot."-- Mark Twain"
6757 Lidia Belgium -
6759 Peter Epstein Brisbane "Karma is justice without the satisfaction "

« 1 2 ... 194 195 196 197 198 199 ... 226 227 »