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Member # 879



Max's Posse

A better bunch of people you won't find anywhere. Thanks to everyone on this list.

« 1 2 ... 191 192 193 194 195 196 ... 226 227 »

# Name Location Quote
6585 William Hornstra Morwell. VIC "I'm not crazy, my mum had me tested"
6587 Dottor Gianluca Rossi Italy "What's Wrong?"
6589 Brenda Goldblatt Johannesburg "'My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with facts' PW Botha, former South African State President"
6590 Albert Kilchesty Portland, OR "Quid Lucrum Istic Mihi Est"
6592 Gab - -
6593 jacobteris09 Exalg123 "Kids Curtains"
6595 Peter Andersson Sweden "Norwegians saying: Wasa was a royal ship built in Sweden that managed to sail for several hundred meters before it sank, because of that a museum has been raised in its honour by proud Swedes."
6596 bixio monti - -
6597 Allen Howell Boston MA -
6601 Manoel - -
6602 Chloe Sweden -
6603 Paul Berman High Springs, FL "Do Pavlov's dogs chase Schroedinger's cat? "
6605 Katie P. Chicago, IL "Don't Think; Just Do"
6606 Marciano Luwala - -
6607 Megan Donnelly Melbourne, VIC ""We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death will tremble to take us"-Charles Bukowski"
6608 T London "Hello"
6610 melissa earth "i want to be that girl that no matter how horrible my day is or how much im stuggling i want to be the one that helps other people out and help them forget their sorrows "
6612 Levi Saintwinter Northern Michigan USA -
6613 Sathvedha Narayanan Raman India "Mayday is a good research. But beautiful girls are welcome to marriage. No ugly but real marriages."
6616 Paul Prussner Vancouver, BC, Canada "As You Wish"
6617 teddy - "yeah "
6618 Kayla Corcoran - -
6619 Ida Denmark "Perception is reality"
6620 MatrixM Wollongong -
6621 Deb Wain Lady's Pass, Vic, AUST ""A word after a word after a word is power."-- Margaret Atwood, 'Spelling'"

« 1 2 ... 191 192 193 194 195 196 ... 226 227 »